Listening is the most important skill we have. Without it, we lose compassion , mutual understanding, the ability to fully comprehend the world around us. Spending all our listening time on technology, social media, and screens only serves to diminish our humanity and creativity. What we write is a response to all that we learn through both internal and external listening . Thank you for this important reminder, Darcey.

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Thank you for this important reminder, Darcey.

We have been hijacked by technology, social media, screens. With all that “noise”, who can listen to anything ? Listening is the most important skill we have as humans, sometimes even just listening to the silence! ( Best place to find the answers , I think) As a writer, it is a crucial part of the process. Listening to each other and to what our inner self is telling us makes the words appear! ❤️

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With all the noise surrounding us, we need to be intentional with what we let in.

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Great job. Love the second quote from Natalie G. As a writer I find that great things can come from the quiet 😊

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I've read this a few times and it really spoke to me!! Especially the end about taking it in...being filled and then releasing it through writing. Reminded me of Mindfulness and the simple act of breathing(inhaling/exhaling) to fully take in the moment. Yeah, I needed to hear this. Thank you💜

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So glad it resonated!

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I am finding a way to connect this to my own work as a writing tutor (to an elementary school student, so far more fundamental, but nonetheless...) The one thing I keep telling him is to SLOW DOWN. He has great ideas and is always just bursting to share them, but they get all jumbled and he loses a lot of his (great!) grammar skills on the page. I feel like slowing down, which may very well be my way of telling him to listen... to himself, will really help him make his writing echo what he's able to share verbally. Love this as a reminder to myself, too! Thank you, as always, for sharing!

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Interesting. I suppose we all do this in a lot of ways and we all need little reminders. I know I do! A lot of times I find the lessons I am researching and working on for my classes are things I need to work on myself!

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Absolutely on point! I teach this way, too. And when I go into the woods, I'm listening to the world in a way that opens me to a deeper awareness of everything modern life shuts out. If you're interested, listen to the ON BEING interview with Gordon Hempton: https://onbeing.org/programs/gordon-hempton-silence-and-the-presence-of-everything/.

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Will listen! Thanks for sharing! I know we see eye to eye on this.

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Yes!!! Often when I’m experiencing writers block or struggling to find my words it’s because I need to close the computer and start listening more

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Whenever I feel blocked, I go for a run or a walk. It frees my mind up and allows the creativity to flow again.

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I hear you! Huge aha for me . . . I tend to think of my writing as observational. Love listening aspect.

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It's so important!

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Love this!

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so glad!

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